v0.2.5 patch - This is not Part 3

This is a minor patch in preparation of part 3. It overhauls a lot of stuff under the hood, but in terms of actual content, not too much has changed. Though there are a few noticeable additions:

- Revamped the Coreop Watch cutscene. If you really have nothing better to do, I guess you can replay the game to see this? It takes about 1.5-2 hours to reach, and the new sequence is only about 10 minutes long, so you can decide for yourself whether you think that's worth it. This was mostly added for new players.

- Revamped move reminder functionality. Talk to the general tutor in any Pokémon Center to get the details.

- Added a new control binding menu, accessible anytime from the start/pause menu with the "Controls" option. The old F1 menu is technically still there since that's something that comes with RPG Maker, but don't use it because it's completely ignored and overridden by the new system.

- The Exp. All can no longer be accidentally skipped. It can still be turned off, but it's now mandatory to at least receive it.

- New sprites for Possite, Posselganger, and a few others.

- Added Marks.

- Fixed the Jaboca Berry glitch.

- Minor dialogue tweaks.

- Probably some other stuff I'm forgetting

As always, old save files are automatically updated to make them compatible with this version. If you've already beaten part 2 and don't feel like getting this update, that's fine too, old save files will still be compatible with part 3 even if you skip this patch. Expect more news on part 3 very soon!


Pokémon Blooming Beast v0.2.5.zip 177 MB
May 07, 2024

Get Pokémon Blooming Beast v0.3.2


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Thanks for the update. Looking forward to Part 3 even more now.